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WATCH: Trump praises ‘heart and strength’ of Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade

Former President Donald Trump praised himself and the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022.
“What I did is something — for 52 years they’ve been trying to get Roe v. Wade into the states. And through the genius and heart and strength of six Supreme Court justices, we were able to do that,” Trump said during the Sept. 10 debate with Vice President Kamala Harris in Philadelphia. “Now I believe in the exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. I believe strongly in it, Ronald Reagan did also and 85 percent of Republicans do too, exceptions, very important, but we were able to get it and now states are voting on it.”
Trump said he’s happy individual states are voting on abortion rights.
“I did a great service in doing it,” Trump said of overturning Roe. “It took courage to do it. And the Supreme Court had great courage in doing it, and I give tremendous credit to those six justices.”
According to the latest PBS News/NPR/Marist poll, more than two-thirds of Americans say they will watch all or most of the debate. While many voters have already made up their minds, 14 percent of Americans say the debate will have a great impact on which candidate they choose.
Harris said she would focus on building relationships with foreign allies and investing in American-based technology.
